Memories of a Militant

Memories of a Militant

Memories of a Militant byAnnie Kenney LONDONEDWARD ARNOLD & CO.1924 The reader will not get far into this volume without falling in love with Miss Annie Kenney, however strongly opposed he may have been to the Suffragette campaign. The fight is over and the angry passions roused by it have subsided, so that in a…

Elinor’s College Career

Elinor’s College Career By Julia A. Schwartz IN FOUR PARTS I. THE FRESHMAN YEAR The Two Little Girls who Laughed Red Ink Green Caps and Gowns A Mysterious Disappearance Being a Genius The Fatal Black Bag II. THE SOPHOMORE YEAR Myra’s Little Ram Knowing It All The Jealous Fates Valentines The Mellowing of Lydia III….