People who report psychedelic trips never report a lack of content. The content is there. The problem seems to be a paywall.
It is never appropriate to express frustration. Mind-blowing.
Post-truth is a curated presentation of the truth, for a particular purpose.
A society based on overlapping pair-wise relationships in networks of pairs
What is means to be alive is to be aware and purposeful.
I have long suspected that waking reality is a kind of dream. The truth of the matter is irrelevant.
Morality is not the basis of higher civilization. It is a threat to higher civilization.
To appreciate reality, one needn’t ask why it is the way it is — rather, how
Faced with high inflation and war, one might begin to consider situation-appropriate lifestyle changes. In terms of saving energy, there is much we can do. Our ancestors worked out all the heating accommodations we need.
Only crazy people think it’s happening and only bad people accuse others of it.